This stack was designed for tutors who work with adult new readers. I created it so that I could better organize material for phonics lessons. I am a volunteer tutor, not a professional in this field, and not an expert on how to teach phonics. However, I believe that this stack may be useful to other student/tutor pairs. Children may enjoy it too, too.
This stack was designed to be easy to use. Pop-up help boxes will appear when you click on many objects. A more complete, and printable, help file is available in the stack itself.
This stack is being released to the public because a few people have told me that it’s “neat.” Note that this is is a “beta” version; I haven’t exhaustively tested it to make sure I’ve caught every glitch. If you find some, let me know. I'm sure it's not perfect.
Currently, there is no way to export or import any work you do with this stack, so back up often using the Save a Copy command.
This stack was designed with HyperCard 2.1. It’s a “pure” stack; no XCMDs or anything. I haven’t tested it with HyperCard 2.2 but don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t work with it. I originally designed it on an LC, and thought it was a bit slow, but then all stacks ran slow on that machine; anyway, it seems speedy enough on any Mac I’ve tried it with that’s faster than an LC. No color — you’ll need at least a 12” monitor, though. Finally, make sure you have all the fonts that came with HyperCard installed — Courier, Palatino, and Helvetica are used throughout.
0.9b First public release
This stack is freeware. However, if you find this stack useful and would like to help me out with a donation, I’d be willing to include you on a mailing list for future versions of this package and any others I develop. I would like to upgrade to HyperCard to 2.2 and continue to develop educational software for adults. Inquiries regarding new HyperCard projects or ideas are also welcomed.
My address is:
Jeff Carter
3 Murdock Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Inquiries, comments:
AOL name: jeffrc
You may distribute this program freely as long as no fee is charged. Phonics Planner may not be distributed for a profit without written approval from the author. Distribution via an electronic bulletin board is acceptable as long as there are no fees above normal connect charges. Also, Phonics Planner must be distributed in the original archived format which includes this Read Me file.
This software is licensed “as is.” You use Phonics Planner entirely at your own risk. The author makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the performance of this software and will not be held liable for damages resulting from the use of the software. Although I believe this product to be completely harmless, note that this package comes as is, without warranty of any kind.
In the event you do not agree with any aspect of the above legal disclaimer, you must destroy any copies you have made of this software package.
HyperCard®, Apple™ are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.